Make sure your new application is a joy to use

The race is on. There’s never been a time when software application designs, developments and releases happened so fast and on such a grand scale. However, you don’t have to let the intensity of the race affect neither the quality of your product nor end up in cost overruns.

Whether developing an in-house solution or gearing up for a customer release, we’ll help you get the design and development done that you need to get done, with the assurances in place so you can proceed with confidence.


Expert software application design & development support

We can depute a single qualified software engineer in to your team – or take the whole project off your hands and get everything done off-site. You can choose the level of control – and cost – that suits your own situation.

IT testing services, Affluent

IT Services: How Affluent can help

IT testing services, Affluent


We aim to get involved near the start of your application or software development project to prevent errors, rather than detect them. Although, if you’re at the scramble (or scrum) for launch, we can help you get there fast.

IT Services, Affluent


We can migrate you to cloud so your products and services reach anyone, anytime and anywhere. We make it simpler than you think by using proven approach of proactive consultation to create a prototype followed by a minimum viable product, then we run and scale and finally strive for continuous improvement.

Affluent IT developers making a difference

Read about the projects we’ve been involved in.


We’ll discuss the specifics of your requirements with you directly, before going through our own stringent vetting process to find the right support. When you need our support, get in touch. Phone: +44 2476 158282 or email: